Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline

Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline!

350Montana answered the call from Native tribes and conservationists to put together a “virtual “ banner and message to Governor Steve Bullock of Montana, to Stop Construction on the Keystone XL pipeline, in Montana, due […]

Northwest Energy Stockholder Meeting

Northwest Energy SOCKholder Meeting

Five 350 Monana leadership team members own stock and attended NorthWestern Energy’s STOCKholders’ meeting on April 23. We witnessed environmental green-washing on a massive scale. Our questions were the only ones asked of CEO Bob […]


Comment NWE at PSC by Jan 3

The PSC is open for comments on NorthWestern Energy’s 20-year procurement plan until January 3. You must submit your comment by January 3, 2020 or attend the public hearings on December 9 in Helena. To comment, you have two choices. You can write an on-line comment at the Montana Public Service Commission’s website, or you can write and
mail a letter. […]