Valve Turners

Valve Turners❜ Letter to Congress

To Representative Ken Buck, Washington, DC
❝You quote a letter to the editor from an unknown person printed in an unnamed Colorado newspaper as the basis for your belief that climate direct actions such as ours promote violence.
  Not so, and we would like to take this opportunity to explain directly to you why nonviolent climate direct action is the last resort in a desperate and necessary effort to avert catastrophic climate change.❞


350Montana Releases Two Reports

Helena, 10/17/2017. 350 Montana released two reports that it commissioned on climate change and the future of renewables in Montana. The reports come out in conjunction with a five city tour and a series of panel discussions across the state entitled: Renewables For Montana, or Not? […]

Colstrip Plant

Closing of Colstrip

Puget Sound Energy (PSE) and the State of Montana have made an agreement that could close the last two coal-fired units of a coal-burning facility in Montana known as the Colstrip Power Plant.. The new agreement calls for the final two Colstrip coal units to be paid off in 2027 – nearly 20 years sooner than expected. […]