
James Hansen on “clean coal”

There are no GET OUT OF JAIL FREE cards, no quick fixes. The best estimates are that “even our very optimistic cost of carbon capture results in an unbearable debt for young people” who will soon inherit this damaged world from us. The only way to stop global warming is to stop polluting our atmosphere by burning fossil fuels. […]

Ft Benton Sentencing Photo

No Jail Time for Leonard Higgins

State District Judge Daniel Boucher sentenced Leonard Higgins on Tuesday to a three-year deferred sentence and restitution for damages. Leonard will not serve jail time. Leonard’s attorney’s are appealing the charges to the Montana Supreme Court. […]

Michael Foster Trial

Michael Foster Sentenced to Prison

Cavalier, North Dakota – Climate activist Michael Foster is going to jail for shutting off the emergency valve on TransCanada’s Keystone 1 tar sands pipeline in North Dakota. This morning in Pembina County Court, Judge Laurie A. Fontaine sentenced Foster to three years in prison, including two years deferred. He has been taken into custody and begins serving his sentence today. […]